If you’re on this page then you have a question. Be thoughtful and be as specific as you can. Keep the following in mind:
If you are wondering about rates for logos or other designs, know that they all vary depending on the design, your budget, and who the art is for. I do use a sliding scale the accommodate your budget. My priority is making good design affordable to my community and but I do not accept all requests.
For projects I do take on, I require an in-depth conversation before starting. A small but flat rate will be factored into the total cost of the project. The purpose of the meetings/phone call is mainly to make sure I get to know you, your style, and your mission so that I can deliver a final product you’ll love the first time around.
If you’ve reached this page and there is no option to send a message, it’s because I am no longer taking requests and I probably need to sleep or finish my own projects. If you really need to reach me email alvarez.vicko@gmail.com.